Thursday, June 24, 2010


Joe discovered this little nest in our window flower basket and I love it! The little mama bird is very protective, and every time I water the flowers is in a little tree about 10 feet away incessantly squawking. Such a perfect little nest and cute little was really fun to show it to Salem!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Guess what, guys?

Hey guys, guess what?
Yep, if you haven't heard, I'm going to be a BIG BROTHER!
My little brother or sister is coming October 2010, Lord willing!

Friday, March 5, 2010


I've been really excited about how the days have been getting longer recently, and can't believe it's almost time for Daylight Savings Time and we'll get a whole extra hour of daylight every day! Thank you, Lord! I love how signs of spring are everywhere, and every time we go outside we hear the birds' songs (and my little song bird joins right in)! And I love how the change of seasons is a constantly cycling reminder of God's goodness, mercy, and faithfulness. I'm thankful that he remains unchanged through every season of our life, and we can trust him completely with our future.

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great Faithfulnesss, mercy and love.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Last two days!

Well, it's been a super busy weekend, so here are days 27 and 28....finally up! 
Day 27 (2/27/10)
 tearing apart tissue paper, very self-satisfied!

Day 28 (2/28/10)
 my happy boy, he LOVES playing outside.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 26

Day 26 (2/26/10) 
Rain, rain, go away! Little Salem wants to play. 

Day 25

Day 25  (2/25/10) 
Here is Salem eyeing daddy's bowl of ice cream. This is what he thought after he tasted it!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 24

Day 24 (2/24/10)

Well, truthfully, as much as I've enjoyed the challenge, I'm glad it's almost over! The last few days, I've been feeling completely uninspired to take pictures, just between a busy schedule and the soggy, foggy weather we've been having. I'm so thankful today was beautiful, though, and I realize when I watch the weather for the rest of the country, I shouldn't be complaining in the first place! Anyway, this afternoon, when Salem got up from his nap we had a really sweet time hanging out on the couch while he drank his sippee cup of milk. So since we were having so much fun, I thought I'd sneak out the camera and see if I could capture his sweet little mood. We even made a game of me "hiding" while I took a picture and then popping up my head afterwards and saying "peekaboo"! Here are a few more shots. I'm soooo thankful for my boy, and I'm thankful that I stuck with the photo challenge so far :)

Day 23

Day 23...posted a day late, again.... (2/23/10)
The spoon didn't work so well, so....
I think we are officially entering the "do it myself" stage...Oh boy!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 21

Day 21 (2/21/10)
Here is our WALKING BOY! He's been taking a few steps every now and then for the last 3 or 4 weeks, but I feel like today is the day he really took off! He was walking all over the place at church this morning... not only walking to us, but just to check out things on his own that he was interested in. It's crazy!!! Here's an outtake which is extremely blurry, but I love the motion and excitement in it :)

Day 20

Day 20 (2/20/10)
This can't be good.....check out our little TV bug!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 19

Day 19 (2/19/10)
Here is Salem trying to get to the camera, and tackling me (that's why the picture is cut off)! It was so good to see him back to his happy and playful self today.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 18

Day 18 (2/18/10)
Here's Salem eyeing my cup of chai on the floor (in the cup)! I had completely forgotten I had left it there until I saw him staring at it. We played inside all day when he wasn't napping- I think he napped a total of just over 5 hours today!!! Poor guy, he's had an allergic reaction these last few days, and we're still trying to figure out to what. So, to treat the hives and sneezing he's constantly been on's been really hard to see him feeling bad and not himself. Anyway, I like this photo, because of the fact that you can actually see his neck, a new feature for him!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 17

Day 17 (2/17/10)
Whew...three blog posts in one day! That is definitely a record for me...feels good to be caught up  with the challenge! I let Joe take this one for me while were having some fun over at the park. Salem must have played with the wood chips for at least 15 minutes! 

Day 16

Day 16 (2/16/10)
I couldn't decide which photo I like more....I just love this little face sooooo much!

Day 15

Day 15 (2/15/10)
Here is my 'handsome' little boy... I think this jacket suits him well! We had just finished a walk and I was having a little fun experimenting with light.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 14

Day 14 (2/14/10) 
My valentines! We decided to postpone the romantic dinner date and celebrate Valentine's Day together as a family. We had a fabulous meal at the Cheesecake Factory (thanks to a giftcard from a friend) and then went down to the Depot in downtown Mill Valley for coffee and to hang out. Salem LOVES it down there, as there are people, and kids and dogs everywhere!!!!

Day 13

Day 13 (2/13/10)....finally!
Here is Salem at his one year old birthday party! He was fascinated by the fire and tried to grab it, but fortunately Joe blew it out just in time! The party was lots of fun and many of his little friends were able to be there.  

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 12

Day 12 (2/12/10)

Day 11

Day 11 (2/11/10).... a day late....

Joy. Wonder. Amazement. Mirth. Curiosity. Exuberance. These are just some of the emotions I get to experience as I see the world through this little boy's eyes. I'm glad God made it that way. We are so blessed as parents.

Below are a few more pics from the fun time we were having. We were running a bunch of errands yesterday afternoon, so I tried to make it fun for Salem by stopping at this little water park by Trader Joe's to watch the birds for a while. I think he was actually trying to mimic their flying as he wildly waved his arms up and down!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 10

Day 10 (2/10/10)
Well, ten days down, 18 more to go, and so far I've really enjoyed the photo challenge. I thought I'd try a black and white today to vary it up a little. I think this look means, "Hey mommy, I'm up from my nap and ready to DO something...put that camera down, and let's go!".

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 9

Day 9 (2/9/10)

Salem happily reading his picture Bible. He kept saying "nu-nu-nu" and "Bible", which is actually one of his favorite words! This morning when Joe went to get him out of bed, after saying "Da-da" a few times, he started yelling "Bible!"....I guess he's really got our morning routine figured out! He loves to snuggle up in Joe's lap and read together every morning. I pray this is the beginning of a life-long love of and enthusiasm for the Word.

Day 8

Day 8 (2/8/10)

Here is my dreamy-eyed, little ONE-YEAR OLD, eating his "birthday cake"at lunch....well really it was left-over king cake (since we'll be doing a little party on Saturday with cupcakes), but it was still loaded with sugar and he seemed to like it! We had a really nice day together (besides being busy with teaching...which was sad for me, but I'm thankful for the work) and got to spend some fun time all three us us together. We ate at Panda Express for dinner, and Salem was so excited about the bright lights and colors and people to watch that he hardly ate anything. He had an extra long bath before bed (which he loves) and we read some stories, and part of Psalm 139 together. I can't believe I made it through the day only tearing up once.

Psalm 139: 14-16
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 7

Day 7 (2/7/10)

Well here is day seven. We were at a Super Bowl party, which was lots of fun, but totally packed out so Salem found a nice little quiet spot under a little table by the window! He must have stayed under there for about half an hour, just eating his goldfish and looking out the window. Another reason he probably like it so much was that it involved climbing- see the pic below, there was a rounded ledge a few inches above the ground that he climbed onto. It's so fun to watch this curious boy explore his world every day!

Finally here is a picture of the king cakes I made for the celebration. It was a proud day for New Orleans and the Saints!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 6

Day 6 (2/6/10)

Here is my little lamb with his little lamb right after his afternoon nap. His last Saturday afternoon nap as an 11 month old.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 5

Day 5 (2/5/10)
So, I had a hard time choosing my favorite pic from today, because at lunch Salem was slurping up spaghetti noodles and saying "noo-nah"! It was so funny! It seems like every day he starts saying several new "words". But here is the one I chose. He loves squeezing into tight spaces and CLIMBING (just like his daddy)! How is it that he would learn to climb before he even really walks? He was very proud of himself as you can see.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Days 3 and 4

Yay! So glad to see my good friend Erika joined in! She had a wonderful idea, for those who don't have kids to photograph something else, such as a pet or something in nature. I may even try to do that another month. Speaking of nature photography, I noticed that the cherry trees are starting blossom and I'm dying to go take some pictures. Hope to have some to show later, but for now here are a few of some lovely tulips my very sweet husband surprised me with last weekend. I was so excited, it was the first time I ever got tulips and I love them.

Well enough about flowers, back to the 28 day photo challenge! Here is the photo from yesterday.

Day 3 (2/3/10)
Boys will be boys! We were babysitting Salem's friend, Jude and went outside to play. It's amazing how fascinating wood chips are for little boys. Jude kept picking up them up and throwing them, and Salem kept trying to eat them....we're working on that!

Day 4 (2/4/10)
Salem showing off his mad drumming skills for his friend, Carsyn. They were really getting into it! Oh and by the way, he's free-standing here and has been taking quite a few steps on his own lately!