Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Guess what, guys?

Hey guys, guess what?
Yep, if you haven't heard, I'm going to be a BIG BROTHER!
My little brother or sister is coming October 2010, Lord willing!


lizhoweth said...

i knew it!!!!!!!! as soon as i saw "guess what"
we are so excited for you guys! i thought you would be sooner than later. very fun. congrats!

Kelly said...

congrats!! so precious!

Ashley said...

Oh Salem! You are going to be such a good big brother.
Love you guys!

Mathews said...

yeah!Praise the Lord!!!

J and E said...

congrats guys! How exciting for your family! : )

The Jungs said...

Yay!!!! Congratulations, we are so excited for you!!