So, I know I haven't blogged in probably almost 9 months, but lately I've been kind of missing it. Even if nobody reads it, I think taking time to reflect on life and write down my thoughts in a format like this is good for me. Besides it being a fun way to document our experiences as a family and watching Salem grow up. So yesterday, when I saw my friend,
Shannon posted a challenge about taking a picture of your child every day for the month of February and posting it, I decided to go for it! Especially since this is the month of his first birthday (next MONDAY...I can't believe it) I thought it would be fun and special to remember our daily lives with a 12 month old little boy.
The first one is actually from January 31, since I didn't read about this till February 2nd, that counts right?
Well here it goes.....
Day 1 (1/31/10)
You'll have to excuse the snot bubble, but this was too cute not share ;)
Day 2 (2/2/10)
My little "funny bunny" eating his Annie's graham bunnies, finishing off a late dinner after quite a shop-a-thon afternoon of running errands to among other places, Target. I don't know why I love that store so much, all they do is take my money.
Well that's a start...I'll do my best to post a shot for each day!