Monday, November 10, 2008

Mt. Tam

Friday night my sweet husband picked me up from work, and had a surprise up his sleeve. He brought me clothes to change into, and then we went on a hike (on a ridge in Tiburon- with amazing views- thanks for the tip, Kelly) to watch the sun set behind Mt. Tam and the city lights start to twinkle as darkness fell. It was breathtakingly beautiful- the air fresh and cool, the grass sweet smelling, and the sky a glowing canvas of gold with fiery red strokes stretching against the western sky- on display by the First Artist for all to enjoy.

Speaking of Mt. Tam (short for Tamalpais), it amazes me how many beautiful views of the mountain there are in the area- some of my favorite are actually right here on seminary campus (like this picture from last December), and how prominent of a feature it is in the landscape- both from the perspective of Mill Valley and all the other little towns at the foot of the mountain, and from places like San Francisco, Richmond, and north of San Pablo Bay.

It always reminds me of how we, as God's people, are to be a city on a hill- that cannot be hidden...just like Mt. Tam can be seen above the rest of the landscape for miles. And people are watching the way we live our lives. My pastor says a lot that our lives are the only translation of Scripture that many people will ever what kind of a translation are we?


Kelly said...

that was really an enjoyment to read! And I really like that picture...pretty creative!

Erika said...

Hi Hannah! Great site and I enjoyed your most recent post!

Acadian Accordion said...

WOW, that's a really nice picture.