Well I totally love this whole motherhood experience, but this little guy keeps me really BUSY! I can remember my mom telling stories of how she used to say that when I was a baby, and this older mother from her church with 5 or 6 kids just kind of knowingly smiled, and was like "you think you're busy now!"
I feel like I'm finally resurfacing and starting not to feel quite so behind. I was talking about this with my friend, Stacy the other day and we were remarking on how it's weird that some days are too busy to squeeze in a walk! I wonder how I did everything before when I worked 40 hours a week?? Oh well, with Mother's Day recently I heard on the news that if a full-time mom was paid a salary for all her work it would be well over a 6 digit figure....
Anyway, I really liked the idea that Shannon posted as a challenge on her blog- a photo a week of me and my baby. I totally didn't take the challenge, because I think I'd be doing pretty good if I remembered to post 1 a month! But, I had already been thinking about wanting to get more pics of me and Salem together even before she posted the challenge, so I've been trying to take more. Here are some from the past few weeks...and a few cute ones with Daddy too!
He is always so happy in the mornings! This was the week after Easter
when I came down with a terrible stomach bug....

Here we are on a picnic after church in mid-April
Salem loves listening to me practice! Sometimes I can't tell if he's watching my fingers or intently staring at the scroll on my instrument, but he really seems to enjoy the music. He intermittently laughs and coos along!
My 2 favorite guys in the world!
Salem and daddy in their Sunday best.