Tuesday, November 11, 2008

1 week ago today...

Last week, America chose a new president. I have mixed feelings (and won't go into all of what I think...haha!). But, regardless of how you feel about the outcome, it is widely known that Barack Obama is the most pro-choice candidate ever to be elected to the office of President. He supports partial birth abortion, voted against the Infants Born Alive Act (which would give neonatal care to a baby that actually survived a late term abortion instead of being left to die), and said in the past that he would like the first bill he signs into law if elected to be the Freedom of Choice Act. And since he supports government subsidized abortion, the number of abortions in this country during his administration is likely to increase.

One of the saddest (and most ironic) things to me about his policies on abortion is that while the overall number of abortions in America is at it's lowest since 1974 (according to the Guttmacher Institute), alarmingly black women's abortion rates are 5 times higher than white women's. In terms of the actual numbers this means that nearly half of all African-American pregnancies end in abortion. It took a while for that to sink in for me.

Ever since first having a miscarriage and now being pregnant, the issue of abortion has become a much more personal issue for me. Not that it wasn't important to me before, but it's different now. Just thinking about this little person inside of me, a unique one of a kind human being who's already showing his personality... he moves to the music when I play, he gets excited when he hears his daddy's voice and kicks when we read him stories, and I seriously think his favorite food is pie (any variety)and ice cream!

All this to get to the point of this post: I want to do more that blog about my thoughts on abortion, more that cast my one vote in an election...I want to turn my conviction into action. That's why I'm praying about what God would have me do on a personal level to help turn the tide-- saving babies from this horrible genocide and helping mothers and families when they need it most. What are your thoughts...ideas?


The Jungs said...

Hey Hannah! I don't know if you remember me, but my husband Daniel and I used to live in Tichenor, we moved back to Texas a year ago (right after we found out we were pregnant!). I found your blog through Kelly Summers. I have had the same conviction that you describe here over the past year. I read Francince Rivers book "Atonement Child" while I was pregnant and it honestly was life changing for me. I no longer feel like I can sit on the side lines and let other people fight for these babies, I want to do something too, but have not known exactly how to get involved. And then we had our baby and I haven't been able to do much of anything but take care of him for the last few months :) So, all of this to say that if you hear of any good ideas let me know, and I'll do the same. I'm soooo excited for you guys about your baby boy! We had a boy too and it is so much fun. When are you due? Are you still living in Tichenor?

Kelly said...

Hannah! I always knew you were an extraordinary girl. Keep praying and drawing close to the Lord, he will lead. And if it seems to be taking a while, he may be just building you up first. I will pray for you, too. I have word that there is a clinic here in Mill Valley that helps teen pregnancies (that do not take the abortion route) they are even looking for teachers to help with 'mother' classes and other volunteers. Let me get back to you with details. I have really wanted to go but haven’t, we can hold each other accountable an actually do something! We can show the girls how worth it, babies can be. I love it that, when God asks you, what you did to help stop this ugly act of killing HIS children, you will have an answer. We cannot change the word, but can do what God tells is to do.

Hannah said...

Hey Caanon-
great to hear from you (of course I remember you guys)! Your little Elijah is sooo cute...just looked at your blog and it's hard to believe how fast he is growing...12weeks and such a cute smile! So happy for you guys.
Yeah, another friend had told me she was reading that book and that it's really good. We should definitely keep each other updated on ideas... I'll have to check in with Kelly about the opportunity she mentioned. I know that pregnancy resource centers always need help...and probably donations of clothes (baby and maternity), toys, etc. Hmm...we'll see.

Due on Valentine's Day- 3 months from Friday (hard to believe)!! Yeah, we're still in Tichenor, but planning to move to Judson right after finals in mid-December :)

Hannah said...

Thanks, Kelly! Yeah we should definitely look into this (and hold each other accountable)...I know of the a center in Novato, but didn't know about anything in MV (or Southern Marin). Looking forward to seeing how God leads us...